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Call for Workshops

The 7th ICAAI 2023 will feature pre-conference workshops addressing fundamental and emerging topics in Artificial Intelligence. The workshops will be scheduled before August 20, 2023.

Workshop proposal should include the:
1. Title
2. Presenter/organizer name(s) and affiliations
3. Expected enrollment
4. Abstract (less than 300 words)
5. Additional outline if needed
6. Presenter/organizer biography
7. Links to the presenter/organizer web page or the tutorial page (optional)


The 4th International Conference on Education and Artificial Intelligence Technologies - EAIT 2023

Accepted papers will be published to the special issue "International Journal of Information and Education Technology", with ISSN: 2010-3689, indexed by Scopus (Since 2019), EI(INSPEC, IET), Electronic Journals Library, Google Scholar, Crossref, etc.

Copyright © 2023 The 7th International Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence. All Rights Reserved.